Check out the Delta flight schedule to find all the travel connections that Delta offers.

Use the selection on the map to find the right flight connection on a desired date. You can also use the input fields to manually search for specific flight connections.


Delta Flight Schedule – Important Information

Delta’s flight schedule includes a list of all flight connections.

The flight schedule also contains important information that you need to plan your trip.

  • Airport: From where the plane takes off.
  • Destination: What is the last airport of the entire air journey.
  • Airport for stopovers: If there is no direct flight connection, the Delta flight schedule will automatically search for a flight connection via a stopover.
  • Duration: The flight duration indicates how long the flight takes.
  • Flight number: The flight number is an individual number that each flight has for identification (e.g.: DL0160).
  • Take-off and landing times: These times are always indicated in the time zone of the respective airport.

The Delta flight schedule provides information that is of interest to different audiences.

Timetable for travel planning

Passengers can use the Delta flight schedule to search for flight connections (departure airport – destination airport) and thus create a trip for themselves.

Flight Status Schedule

The scheduled departure and arrival times of a flight, as well as any changes or delays , can also be viewed via a flight schedule. However, you can find this information on another page at Delta.

  1. To do this, go to Delta’s website:
  2. Select the Flight Status tab .
  3. Enter your departure date, as well as the flight number or the flight connection (departure airport – destination airport).
  4. You will then receive information about a possible delay, cancellation or postponement of your flight.
Where can I find my flight number?

As a rule, you will also find the flight number in your booking documents.

Learn more about flight schedules.

Would you like to know more about flight schedules? Then visit our flight schedule page and find out more in our flight schedule overview.