Are you unable to take your flight due to personal circumstances and have to cancel it? Find out in this article what you should consider when canceling your flight.

What costs can be reimbursed?

Whether the ticket costs are reimbursed to you when you cancel your flight depends on the airline. As a rule, you can read the details of how to cancel and refund your flight on your flight booking.

However, you also have the option of reimbursing the cost of your flight in the event of a cancellation via Flightright .

Repayment of taxes, fees and other “personal charges”

In principle, you have the right to reclaim the taxes, fees and other “personal charges” from the airline. Because these are only incurred by the airline when you take the flight.

However, some airlines refer to the law in another country in the contract, which may not reimburse you for these costs and fees.

It is important to:

The fees do not have to be automatically reimbursed by the airline, but only if you claim them. Therefore, you should contact a lawyer or claim the fees yourself, as this can often be several hundred euros.

Cancel your flight with cancellation insurance

The easiest and safest way to avoid high cancellation costs is to take out travel cancellation insurance. This will cover any cancellation costs incurred if you have to cancel your flight for one of the insured reasons.

Insured reasons for cancelling a trip are often:

  • severe, unexpected illness
  • Accident that restricts the ability to travel
  • significant damage to property that makes travel impossible
  • Intolerance to a travel vaccination
  • unexpected job loss
  • possible complications in pregnancy

Flight cancellation depending on the airline

Each airline has different policies for canceling and refunding a flight. As a rule, you can find out about your rights regarding cancellation on your booking. Some airlines even offer ticket refunds if certain conditions are met.

Categories: Travel


Nathan Behrendt arbeitet seit Jahren leidenschaftlich als Bankfachmann. Eine seiner privaten Hobbys sind Flugreisen, weshalb er seine besten Tipps und Tricks auf zum besten gibt.