How can I check in my flight booked through Kayak online?

If you have booked a flight or air travel via the Kayak flight platform and would like to check in online, two steps are important for you:

Step 1: Which airline

Kayak is a travel portal and arranges air travel, but does not carry out any itself. For this reason, the check-in of a flight booked through Kayak is always done by the airline that operates the flight.

Information about which airline operates your flight can be found in your travel or booking documents that you received through Kayak after booking.

Step 2: Go to the airline’s website

Now go to the airline’s website. You can check in your kayak flight via this website. To make it easier for you to check in online, we have compiled the most important information about checking in at many airlines . Use our direct links to the check-in pages of each airline.

What documents do you need?

For online check-in with most airlines, you will need either the booking code or the ticket number of the flight. This information can be found on the travel documents you received after your kayak booking. In addition, you will need to provide your last name and possibly also the airport of departure, depending on the airline in question.

Can I check in at the airport?

Yes – Of course, you can also check in your “kayak flight” at the airport at a counter or vending machine. You can find out how to do this and what you need to keep in mind in this article.

Checking in luggage at Kayak

The Kayak baggage policy is in accordance with the requirements of the airline operating the flight. The information on this should be included in your travel documents . You can also read the general baggage regulations of the most important airlines on our website:

  1. Hand luggage
  2. Checked baggage

Reserve a seat with Kayak

For flights booked via the Kayak platform, it is of course possible to make seat reservations. The reservation of the desired seat can be made during the check-in process with the airline.

About Kayak

KAYAK is a U.S.-based company that offers a travel search engine for flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages.

KAYAK’s website and apps allow travelers to compare offers from hundreds of travel providers and websites at the same time .

The company was founded in 2004 by the co-founders of Expedia, Travelocity and Orbitz with the aim of simplifying online travel searches.

In May 2010, KAYAK acquired the leading German metasearch engine Swoodoo and later also the largest Austrian travel website checkfelix.