This is how momondo online check-in works
Online check-in for your momondo flight is a simple two-step process.
Step 1: Identify momondo airline
At the beginning, it is necessary to determine the airline that is responsible for your flight. momondo does not operate as an independent airline, but cooperates with various airlines. You can find the information regarding the airline operating your flight in momondo’s booking documents or travel confirmation. If you made a last-minute booking, you even received this information within 24 hours.
Step 2: Carry out online check-in with the airline
Once you have determined the airline you will be flying with, you can conveniently check in online via the airline’s website . Most airlines that work with momondo offer online check-in, which saves you time and effort. In the booking documents you will also find the other necessary information for check-in, such as: The booking number/code of the airline, the tour operator number. In order to give you an overview of the different check-in options of the main airlines, we have compiled them for you.
Check-in at the airport
Of course, it is also possible to check in your flight that you have booked through momondo at the airport. You can find out how to do this on our airport check-in page.
momondo Check-in – What you need
Booking code or ticket number and passenger name
There are several ways to do online check-in with an airline. In most cases, you will need either the booking code or the ticket number in combination with your last name. These can be found on your momondo travel documents.
Tour Operator Reference Number
For certain airlines, it is also necessary to check-in using the tour operator’s reference number. You should also find this number in your travel documents .
momondo Partner Airlines
momondo cooperates with a large number of different airlines. Partner airlines include:
Luggage at momondo check-in
The baggage policy at momondo is based on the baggage policy of the airline operating the flight on behalf of momondo. The relevant information should be included in your travel documents. Otherwise, you can find the most important carry-on baggage and checked baggage policies of the largest airlines on our site.
Seat at momondo check-in
Seat reservations are of course also possible for flights booked via momondo. You can reserve your seat during the check-in process with the airline. For more information on seat reservations, please contact us.
About momondo
momondo was founded in Denmark in 2006 and has been headquartered in Copenhagen ever since. As a free travel search engine, momondo is available in over 35 countries worldwide, allowing users to compare millions of prices for flights, hotels, and car rentals. After the successful market launch in Germany in 2008, the website was also launched in Austria and Switzerland in 2014.
In contrast to the sale of travel services, momondo only provides an overview of all prices available at that time and redirects users to partner websites where they can complete the booking process. In addition to search engine technology, momondo also offers travel tips and inspirational content via the blog.