With the travel packing list from FLUG-CHECK-IN, you are guaranteed not to forget anything for your holiday. At most, everyday life. Minimize the stress before leaving. We have summarized and listed the most important things for you that you should definitely think about before starting your holiday. So that you don’t feel like you’ve forgotten something on your next holiday.

Checklist or packing list for the suitcase

Have you checked your flight provider’s travel requirements? Find out in advance how heavy your suitcase may be and what you really need on holiday. The motto here is often less is more. Surveys show that most travelers carry too much rather than too little luggage.

Electronic devices*
Accessories and useful items*
First-aid kit*

Would you like a packing list for your holiday? Here you can download our travel checklist free of charge:

Pre-trip checklist

At best, you should do and check these things at least 3 weeks before the start of the trip in order to avoid unexpected problems before the start of the trip. Most things can be bought on holiday on site. However, if you forget your passport or an important document, traveling becomes complicated and, in the worst case, impossible.

  • Validity of ID cards

Attention: Especially in the months of March to July there is a increased crowds at passport offices and delays

  • Entry requirements clarify the holiday destination / apply for a visa if necessary
  • Credit Card Limits increase
  • Cash in the local currency
  • Insurances and clarify travel protection
  • Vaccination status check
  • Open Paying bills
  • Getting to the airport organize / reserve a parking space
  • Which one Baggage rules apply to your flight

Checklist for your home

Check your home before every holiday trip. The most important thing here are safety precautions that protect against fire and water damage. Have you locked all the windows and doors? Vacation time is burglary time. Often, organized criminals take advantage of your absence and then gain access to your apartment or house.

  • Turn off the water and heating – especially important for household contents insurance on longer trips. Insurance companies are often not liable for damage caused by a longer absence.
  • Close doors and windows – Protect yourself from burglars.
  • Save power – Unplug plugs that are not needed, turn back the refrigerator, turn off the lights
  • Inform acquaintances or relatives – get mail, feed pets, water plants
  • Deposit apartment and car keys

Packing list for carry-on baggage*

Checklist for the winter holiday

Are you planning a winter holiday? Of course, you shouldn’t forget your home here either. We recommend skipass-go.com’s packing list so that you can go on a skiing holiday without any worries. Now to the free checklist:

Categories: Travel


Nathan Behrendt arbeitet seit Jahren leidenschaftlich als Bankfachmann. Eine seiner privaten Hobbys sind Flugreisen, weshalb er seine besten Tipps und Tricks auf https://flug-check-in.de/ zum besten gibt.